(2025) Holistic approach to adaptive reuse research focused on the design strategy and its extended categories: Lessons from a critical review. JAABE.
(2025) Urban Regeneration and Community Participation: A Critical Review of Project-based Research. OPEN HOUSE INTERNATIONAL.
(2025) 모듈러 건축의 디자인 향상을 위한 연구. 대한건축학회논문집. 41, 1
(2024) Predicting and Analysing Initiator Crime Environments Based on Machine Learning for Improving Urban Safety. ARCHNET-IJAR INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH.
(2023) 국내·외 건축 설계 스튜디오 사례분석을 통한 메타버스 활용 방법에 관한 연구. 한국공간디자인학회 논문집. 18, 8
(2023) Potential for local communities in rural areas: sustainable development of prison siting in South Korea. OPEN HOUSE INTERNATIONAL. 48, 3
(2023) Storytelling as a learning tool in creative education: A case study in an architecture design studio. THINKING SKILLS AND CREATIVITY. 48, 101274
(2023) The impact of research and representation of site analysis for creative design approach in architectural design studio. THINKING SKILLS AND CREATIVITY. 48, 101271
(2022) Architecture and the imaginary: text stimulus to improve students' creativity with nonlinear design process. ARCHNET-IJAR INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH. 16, 3
(2022) 지속가능한 지역 커뮤니티를 위한 참여 방안 연구. 한국문화공간건축학회논문집. 79, 79
(2022) Scientific Landscape of Embodied Experience in the Virtual Environment: A Bibliometric Analysis. BUILDINGS. 12, 6
(2022) Creative thinking in the architecture design studio: Bibliometric analysis and literature review. BUILDINGS. 12, 6
(2022) Implications of neuroarchitecture for the experience of the built environment: a scoping review. ARCHNET-IJAR INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH. 16, 2
(2021) Phenomenological Transparency through Depth of “Inside/Outside” for a Sustainable Architectural Environment. SUSTAINABILITY. 13, 16
(2021) Sublime Experience for Sustainable Underground Space: Integration of the Artists’ Works in Chichu Art Museum. SUSTAINABILITY. 13, 12
(2021) Visual Communication for Students’ Creative Thinking in the Design Studio: Translating Filmic Spaces into Spatial Design. BUILDINGS. 11, 3
(2020) Strategy of Water Distribution for Sustainable Community: Who Owns Water in Divided Cyprus?. SUSTAINABILITY. 12, 21
(2018) 주민편의시설 수용을 통한 교정시설 입지 갈등 해결에 관한 연구: 서울남부교정시설 사례를 중심으로. 도시설계. 19, 6
(2017) 국내 교정시설의 건축프로세스 개선방안 연구. 교정연구. 27, 2
(2024) The Space Within. Translation in process
(2024.06-2027.05) Development of an Artificial Intelligence(AI)-Designer Collaborative Design Studio model for Enhancing Creative Thinking- Visualization and Evaluation of Creativity through Linkography Network Analysis. Funded by National Research Foundation of Korea
(2022.03-2025.02) Social network analysis (SNA) of a participation process system for a sustainable local community: Proposal of participation process through the establishment of a monitoring and evaluadation system. Funded by National Research Foundation of Korea